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The following results are related to European Marine Science. Are you interested to view more results? Visit OpenAIRE - Explore.

  • European Marine Science
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  • Authors: Moshood Mustapha; Joshua Taiwo Agunloye;

    > Copper is a nutritional trace element for fish which could be deficient or toxic. Copper concentrations from four aquaculture ponds were analyzed for 12 weeks using Bicinchoninate method. Alkalinity was measured using colorimetric method with the aid of Hanna Multiparameter Bench Photometer. Temperature and pH of the ponds was measured in situ using Hanna Portable pH/EC/TDS/Temp combined waterproof tester. All measurementswere done I triplicates. Copper concentrations ranged from 0.01 to 0.10 mg/L, alkalinity ranged from 105 to 245mg/L. Weeks 1 and 12 recorded the highest and lowest Cu2+ concentrations, while lowest and highest alkalinity were obtained in weeks 1 and 12 respectively in all the ponds. Temperature and pH ranged from 29.1 to 35.9°C and 6.35 to 8.03. The trend of copper concentrations in the ponds was Natural > Earthen > Concrete > Collapsible, with concentration slightly above the normal in the ponds. This could have come from the pipes used in delivering water to the pond, copper alloy nets and mesh used in the ponds, anti-fouling agents, algaecides, water source and fish meal. Effect of elevated copper was seen in the morphology and behavior of Clarias gariepinus which include slimy mucus on the skin, aggressive and uncoordinated swimming with the opercula flared, slow growth, reduced odor perception of food and water bubbles on the ponds. Copper should be regularly bio monitored to determine toxicity in fish.

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  • Authors: Sumarno, S. (Sumarno); Indrianawati, I. (Indrianawati);

    Indonesia is an archipelago with the island as many as 17,508 islands and 92 islands of this is the outermost small islands. As the spearhead borders of the Republic of Indonesia, the outermost small islands have a large role in many aspects, such as security, social, economic, and political. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) has a responsibility in the field of marine development. One is to optimize the exploration of marine resources outermost small islands. For ease in analyzing data and information outermost small islands, then necessary methods and tools with the right technology for data and information of the ministry can be met quickly, accurately, and accurate. Technology Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology is a database system that has the ability to integrate spatial data and attribute data so that it can produce the desired information. In GIS contain database that has a geographic reference is a geodatabase. In this study, design of geodatabase is done using top-down method, namely by analyzing the basic tasks and functions of the MMAF. The results of this study is establishment of the marine and outermost small islands geodatabase that are well integrated, so that it can support the management of coastal areas and outermost small islands.

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  • Authors: Kumaat, J. C. (J); Rampengan, M. M. (M); Kandoli, S. T. (S);

    Keberadaan daerah penangkapan ikan di perairan akan selalu bersifat dinamis, selalu berubah atau berpindah mengikuti pergerakan kondisi lingkungan, yang secara alamiah ikan akan memilih habitat yang lebih sesuai. Zona tangkapan ikan Tuna yang diprediksi dapat dilakukan dengan mendeteksi distribusi klorofil-a dan distribusi suhu permukaan laut dari citra Aqua MODIS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi zona lokal penangkapan ikan tuna di laut sekitar kota Bitung, berdasarkan distribusi klorofil-a dan suhu permukaan laut dengan menggunakan citra satelit Aqua MODIS data level-3. Serangkaian kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan secara bertahap adalah: koleksi gambar, pemotongan gambar sesuai dengan area yang diinginkan, ekstraksi gambar, interpolasi data, overlay peta, dan terakhir adalah tata letak peta. Hasil dari Suhu Permukaan Laut (SST) dan konsentrasi klorofil-a di perairan laut Bitung dan sekitarnya menunjukkan klorofil-a dan suhu permukaan laut bervariasi setiap musim. Distribusi klorofil-a tertinggi adalah pada musim peralihan kedua pada bulan September dan terendah di musim barat pada bulan Desember. Distribusi suhu permukaan laut tertinggi adalah di musim timur pada bulan Juni dan terendah di musim timur pada bulan Agustus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada beberapa titik penangkapan ikan Tuna yang paling potensial pada musim peralihan II dimana setiap bulan di musim tersebut berpotensi membentuk daerah penangkapan Tuna.

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  • Authors: Taufiqurrohman, T. (Taufiqurrohman);

    This study of Tiel Aisha Ansari's Sufi poem entitled Seashell Voice is aimed at knowing themeaning of “ocean” / ”sea” expressed. It is also to know the uniqueness of using the term in aSufi poem. The writer of this essay uses Riffaterre semiotic theory to analyse the meaning of thepoem. This is due to the totality of this theory in interpreting a poem starts at analyzing surfacemeaning to core meaning. The result of analysis on the poem Seashell Voice shows that this poemuses the main signifier “sea” / ”ocean” and “seashell”. The “sea” actually becomes the symbolfor home that is longed so much by the “seashell”. Then the second meaning has been got is thatseashell symbolizes man / human himself. The man is always eager to be with his God that hasbeen symbolized as sea. The conclusion can be got from the study of Seashell Voice poem is thatsea symbolizes God Himself as been written in many Sufi poems. Man that is symbolized withseashell felt far from his God. That's why he longs very much to go back to his original home,namely God.

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  • Authors: Nurhayati, N. (Nurhayati); Belgis, M. (Maria); Yuwanti, S. (Sih); Putri, S. L. (Shania);

    UD. Bismillah merupakan salah satu industri rumah tangga perseorangan yang memproduksi kerupuk mentah maupun matang untuk dipasarkan di desa sekitar. Alih teknologi yang dilakukan kepada UD. Bismillah berupa teknologi tepat guna dan analisis finansial usaha kerupuk ikan dengan menggunakan ikan “bulak” (Sardine fimbriata). Alih teknologi yang diberikan yaitu proses persiapan bahan yang dilakukan oleh pemilik, proses pencampuran bahan, pencetakan, pengukusan, pengeringan, dan pengorengan kerupuk oleh pegawai. Alat yang digunakan antara lain mesin pencetak kerupuk dengan konveyor, boiler dan steamer untuk proses pengukusan kerupuk serta tomang dan wajan untuk penggorengan kerupuk. Harga jual kerupuk yang sudah digoreng di tingkat pengecer/toko adalah Rp.200/buah. Penambahan ikan “bulak” dilakukan sebagai upaya pemanfaatan ikan nilai ekonomis rendah sebagai sumber gizi dan protein. Hasil analisis finansial menunjukkan dengan penambahan ikan bulak pada adonan menghasilkan nilai NPV Rp. 364.235.841,7; Net B/C sebesar 1,15; PBP sebesar 0,48 tahun atau 175,2 hari; ROI sebesar 2,1; dan BEP unit yang dihasilkan sebesar 10.648 kg. Hal ini menunjukkan usaha kerupuk ikan ‘Bulak' layak untuk dijalankan, dengan harga jual Rp.22.800 per kg kerupuk ikan ‘Bulak' matang.

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  • Authors: Galina, M. (Mia); Safitri, C. (Cutifa);

    The problems in the marine and coastal environment have aroused the attention of many countries in the world. According to [1], it is estimated that every year eight million tons of debris find their way into the world's oceans, thus disturbing aquatic and marine ecosystems. Particularly in the case of coastlines, many studies show that the majority of marine litter (60-80%) consists of plastic [2]. The objectives are to evaluate the critical issues in regards to marine environment waste monitoring and to track the development of technology used in the field of marine and coastal debris monitoring problems over the last two decades. The method of this research is by investigating the topic that is quite a lot raised as research related to coastal and marine waste and the distribution of technology implemented for coastal and marine debris. The results show that waste in coastal and marine areas is a problem that needs to be solved immediately. The data relating to the generation of waste flowing into the ocean is dynamic, moving every day, depending on the generation of the generated waste and its accumulation and drifting in the ocean. The large amount of information collected from higher views (such as satellite views) provides important insights for understanding and identifying plastic waste debris pollution and its movement. The conclusion: Regardless of the application, an integrated technical solution is required, which can be sensors, communication devices, data packet transmission from client devices to servers with appropriate application protocols, or a combination of several technologies

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  • Authors: Victoria, O. A. (Ong); Shatat, S. R. (Saleh);

    The purpose of this research is to find out how the implementation of the use of forms of freedom on the high seas according to the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS 1982) and how the exceptions to freedom on the high seas according to the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS 1982). The research method used in this research is using normative legal research methods and it can be concluded that the regulation regarding the high seas is contained in Part VII Article 86 to Article 120 of the 1982 Sea Law Convention to take advantage of the high seas. State freedoms on the high seas are freedoms in accordance with article 87, namely freedom of navigation, flight, laying submarine cables and pipelines, freedom to build artificial islands and other installations, freedom to fish, and freedom to conduct scientific research. Every given freedom can be used by every country but every country is obliged to maintain and utilize the high seas for peaceful purposes for the survival of human life. In addition to providing freedom to use the high seas, the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention provides exceptions to this freedom. Where every country is free to use the high seas but is not allowed to take illegal actions or violate the law, both national law and International law, which in its application are often violated by countries in the world. There are several exceptions to the freedom of the high seas such as the prohibition of slavery, piracy, trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, instant pursuit, illicit broadcasting, and pollution of the marine environment. So every country, both coastal and non-coastal countries, is required to cooperate in eradicating all forms of abuse of freedom on the high seas.

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  • Authors: Zulfanita, Z. (Zulfanita); M, R. E. (Roisu); Rinawidiastuti, R. (Rinawidiastuti); Iskandar, F. (Faruq); +1 Authors

    Pertumbuhan penduduk yang diikuti dengan meningkatnya kegiatan industri, pertanian, dan pemukiman telah menggusur lahan budidaya sehingga dari tahun ketahun luasnya semakin berkurang. Disamping itu aktifitas penduduk akan mengakibatkan pencemaran berupa limbah organik maupun anorganik Inovasi teknologi diperlukan untuk mengantisipasi penurunan produksi tanaman dan ikan akibat penyusutan lahan budidaya dan penurunan kualitas perairan. Inovasi teknologi tersebut diharapkan mampu mengurangi limbah dan meningkatkan produktifitas persatuan luas lahan budidaya. Salah satu inovasi teknologi yang dapat diterapkan yaitu budidaya tanaman sayuran dan ikan yang terintegrasi melalui sistem akuaponik. Program Pengabdian Masyarakat dilaksanakan di desa Butuh, kecamatan Butuh, kabupaten Purworejo bertujuan untuk Mengenalkan, mempraktikkan dan memotivasi masyarakat untuk dapat melakukan teknologi akuaponik sayuran dan budidaya lele dalam ember , mengisi waktu luang serta mengembangkan kemampuan budidaya sayuran dan budidaya ikan lele selain itu juga sebagai bentuk pemanfaatan pekarangan rumah atau lahan sempit menjadi efisien dan menguntungkan serta potensi meningkatnya gizi keluarga. Mitra dalam pelaksanan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah kelompok Wanita Tani Mandiri dengan anggota 16 orang. Metode yang digunakan adalah Education for Sustainable Development (EfSD) merupakan salah satu metode pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berorientasi pada penyelesaian masalah pada lingkungan masyarakat. Metode EfSD menekankan pada 3 pilar yaitu ekonomi, ekologi atau lingkungan dan sosial. Program kegiatan yang dilaksanakan secara garis besar meliputi, 1) pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui penguatan kelembagaan dan peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia, 2) Penumbuhan dan pengembangan budidaya sayuran, dan perikanan berbasis akuaponik. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat ini berupa penguatan kelembagaan pada Kelompok Wanita Tani Mandiri mampu melaksanakan kegiatan program kegiatan dan sosialisasi dengan aktif. Dengan adanya pelatihan serta motivasi mampu menambah pengalaman dan wawasan anggota Kelompok Wanita Tani Mandiri dalam pengembangan budidaya sayuran dan ikan dalam ember.

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  • Authors: Rofiza Yolanda, Puji Fauziah, Arief Anthonius Purnama;

    This research was carried out in the lake Sipogas Rokan Hulu Regency Riau Province from May to July 2016. The aims of this research to determine species of fish found in the lake Sipogas Rokan Hulu.The method of direct observation ( inventory survey) the determination of sampling stations with purposive sampling. Determination station based on the environmental conditions of the lake Sipogas Rokan Hulu Regency consists of 4 research stations. The research found to 353 individuals of 3 ordo, 7 families, 13 genus and 14 species. Species found was Anabas testudineus, Barbodes gonionotus, Belontia hasselti, Channa striata, Cyclocheilichthys apogon, Hampala macrolepidota, Helostoma temminckii, Kryptopterus limpok, Ompok eugeneiatus, Osteochilus hasseltii, Osteochilus mycrocephalus, Pristolepis grooti, Puntius lateristriga and Rasbora sp.

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  • Authors: Nofitasari, Neli; Baidar, Baidar; Syarif, Wirnelis;

    This research was designed for analyzing the effect of using different types of fish on the quality of Pempek in terms of froms, colors, flavors, textures, and taste. This research was classified into true experimental study which applied complete random sampling method. This research was conducted in three repetitions by involving 5 experts. The instrument of the research was a questionnaire of Likert scale. The data gathered through questionnaire were analyzed by using organoleptic test. To test the hypothesis, ANAVA was used, and if there was a difference occurred among the samples, Duncan test was needed. The result of the research revealed that the use of different fish affected the quality of Pempek in term of colors; golden yellow and white grayish, and in terms of texture which was chewy. Meanwhile the use of different types of fish did not influence the quality of pempek in terms of forms; cleanly, cylindrical, in the length of ± 10 cm and diameter of 3 cm, in terms of flavors; garlic, fish, not fishy, in terms of texture which was soft, and in the terms of taste which was tasteful and fishy.

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The following results are related to European Marine Science. Are you interested to view more results? Visit OpenAIRE - Explore.
  • Authors: Moshood Mustapha; Joshua Taiwo Agunloye;

    > Copper is a nutritional trace element for fish which could be deficient or toxic. Copper concentrations from four aquaculture ponds were analyzed for 12 weeks using Bicinchoninate method. Alkalinity was measured using colorimetric method with the aid of Hanna Multiparameter Bench Photometer. Temperature and pH of the ponds was measured in situ using Hanna Portable pH/EC/TDS/Temp combined waterproof tester. All measurementswere done I triplicates. Copper concentrations ranged from 0.01 to 0.10 mg/L, alkalinity ranged from 105 to 245mg/L. Weeks 1 and 12 recorded the highest and lowest Cu2+ concentrations, while lowest and highest alkalinity were obtained in weeks 1 and 12 respectively in all the ponds. Temperature and pH ranged from 29.1 to 35.9°C and 6.35 to 8.03. The trend of copper concentrations in the ponds was Natural > Earthen > Concrete > Collapsible, with concentration slightly above the normal in the ponds. This could have come from the pipes used in delivering water to the pond, copper alloy nets and mesh used in the ponds, anti-fouling agents, algaecides, water source and fish meal. Effect of elevated copper was seen in the morphology and behavior of Clarias gariepinus which include slimy mucus on the skin, aggressive and uncoordinated swimming with the opercula flared, slow growth, reduced odor perception of food and water bubbles on the ponds. Copper should be regularly bio monitored to determine toxicity in fish.

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  • Authors: Sumarno, S. (Sumarno); Indrianawati, I. (Indrianawati);

    Indonesia is an archipelago with the island as many as 17,508 islands and 92 islands of this is the outermost small islands. As the spearhead borders of the Republic of Indonesia, the outermost small islands have a large role in many aspects, such as security, social, economic, and political. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) has a responsibility in the field of marine development. One is to optimize the exploration of marine resources outermost small islands. For ease in analyzing data and information outermost small islands, then necessary methods and tools with the right technology for data and information of the ministry can be met quickly, accurately, and accurate. Technology Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology is a database system that has the ability to integrate spatial data and attribute data so that it can produce the desired information. In GIS contain database that has a geographic reference is a geodatabase. In this study, design of geodatabase is done using top-down method, namely by analyzing the basic tasks and functions of the MMAF. The results of this study is establishment of the marine and outermost small islands geodatabase that are well integrated, so that it can support the management of coastal areas and outermost small islands.

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  • Authors: Kumaat, J. C. (J); Rampengan, M. M. (M); Kandoli, S. T. (S);

    Keberadaan daerah penangkapan ikan di perairan akan selalu bersifat dinamis, selalu berubah atau berpindah mengikuti pergerakan kondisi lingkungan, yang secara alamiah ikan akan memilih habitat yang lebih sesuai. Zona tangkapan ikan Tuna yang diprediksi dapat dilakukan dengan mendeteksi distribusi klorofil-a dan distribusi suhu permukaan laut dari citra Aqua MODIS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi zona lokal penangkapan ikan tuna di laut sekitar kota Bitung, berdasarkan distribusi klorofil-a dan suhu permukaan laut dengan menggunakan citra satelit Aqua MODIS data level-3. Serangkaian kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan secara bertahap adalah: koleksi gambar, pemotongan gambar sesuai dengan area yang diinginkan, ekstraksi gambar, interpolasi data, overlay peta, dan terakhir adalah tata letak peta. Hasil dari Suhu Permukaan Laut (SST) dan konsentrasi klorofil-a di perairan laut Bitung dan sekitarnya menunjukkan klorofil-a dan suhu permukaan laut bervariasi setiap musim. Distribusi klorofil-a tertinggi adalah pada musim peralihan kedua pada bulan September dan terendah di musim barat pada bulan Desember. Distribusi suhu permukaan laut tertinggi adalah di musim timur pada bulan Juni dan terendah di musim timur pada bulan Agustus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada beberapa titik penangkapan ikan Tuna yang paling potensial pada musim peralihan II dimana setiap bulan di musim tersebut berpotensi membentuk daerah penangkapan Tuna.

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  • Authors: Taufiqurrohman, T. (Taufiqurrohman);

    This study of Tiel Aisha Ansari's Sufi poem entitled Seashell Voice is aimed at knowing themeaning of “ocean” / ”sea” expressed. It is also to know the uniqueness of using the term in aSufi poem. The writer of this essay uses Riffaterre semiotic theory to analyse the meaning of thepoem. This is due to the totality of this theory in interpreting a poem starts at analyzing surfacemeaning to core meaning. The result of analysis on the poem Seashell Voice shows that this poemuses the main signifier “sea” / ”ocean” and “seashell”. The “sea” actually becomes the symbolfor home that is longed so much by the “seashell”. Then the second meaning has been got is thatseashell symbolizes man / human himself. The man is always eager to be with his God that hasbeen symbolized as sea. The conclusion can be got from the study of Seashell Voice poem is thatsea symbolizes God Himself as been written in many Sufi poems. Man that is symbolized withseashell felt far from his God. That's why he longs very much to go back to his original home,namely God.

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  • Authors: Nurhayati, N. (Nurhayati); Belgis, M. (Maria); Yuwanti, S. (Sih); Putri, S. L. (Shania);

    UD. Bismillah merupakan salah satu industri rumah tangga perseorangan yang memproduksi kerupuk mentah maupun matang untuk dipasarkan di desa sekitar. Alih teknologi yang dilakukan kepada UD. Bismillah berupa teknologi tepat guna dan analisis finansial usaha kerupuk ikan dengan menggunakan ikan “bulak” (Sardine fimbriata). Alih teknologi yang diberikan yaitu proses persiapan bahan yang dilakukan oleh pemilik, proses pencampuran bahan, pencetakan, pengukusan, pengeringan, dan pengorengan kerupuk oleh pegawai. Alat yang digunakan antara lain mesin pencetak kerupuk dengan konveyor, boiler dan steamer untuk proses pengukusan kerupuk serta tomang dan wajan untuk penggorengan kerupuk. Harga jual kerupuk yang sudah digoreng di tingkat pengecer/toko adalah Rp.200/buah. Penambahan ikan “bulak” dilakukan sebagai upaya pemanfaatan ikan nilai ekonomis rendah sebagai sumber gizi dan protein. Hasil analisis finansial menunjukkan dengan penambahan ikan bulak pada adonan menghasilkan nilai NPV Rp. 364.235.841,7; Net B/C sebesar 1,15; PBP sebesar 0,48 tahun atau 175,2 hari; ROI sebesar 2,1; dan BEP unit yang dihasilkan sebesar 10.648 kg. Hal ini menunjukkan usaha kerupuk ikan ‘Bulak' layak untuk dijalankan, dengan harga jual Rp.22.800 per kg kerupuk ikan ‘Bulak' matang.

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  • Authors: Galina, M. (Mia); Safitri, C. (Cutifa);

    The problems in the marine and coastal environment have aroused the attention of many countries in the world. According to [1], it is estimated that every year eight million tons of debris find their way into the world's oceans, thus disturbing aquatic and marine ecosystems. Particularly in the case of coastlines, many studies show that the majority of marine litter (60-80%) consists of plastic [2]. The objectives are to evaluate the critical issues in regards to marine environment waste monitoring and to track the development of technology used in the field of marine and coastal debris monitoring problems over the last two decades. The method of this research is by investigating the topic that is quite a lot raised as research related to coastal and marine waste and the distribution of technology implemented for coastal and marine debris. The results show that waste in coastal and marine areas is a problem that needs to be solved immediately. The data relating to the generation of waste flowing into the ocean is dynamic, moving every day, depending on the generation of the generated waste and its accumulation and drifting in the ocean. The large amount of information collected from higher views (such as satellite views) provides important insights for understanding and identifying plastic waste debris pollution and its movement. The conclusion: Regardless of the application, an integrated technical solution is required, which can be sensors, communication devices, data packet transmission from client devices to servers with appropriate application protocols, or a combination of several technologies

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  • Authors: Victoria, O. A. (Ong); Shatat, S. R. (Saleh);

    The purpose of this research is to find out how the implementation of the use of forms of freedom on the high seas according to the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS 1982) and how the exceptions to freedom on the high seas according to the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS 1982). The research method used in this research is using normative legal research methods and it can be concluded that the regulation regarding the high seas is contained in Part VII Article 86 to Article 120 of the 1982 Sea Law Convention to take advantage of the high seas. State freedoms on the high seas are freedoms in accordance with article 87, namely freedom of navigation, flight, laying submarine cables and pipelines, freedom to build artificial islands and other installations, freedom to fish, and freedom to conduct scientific research. Every given freedom can be used by every country but every country is obliged to maintain and utilize the high seas for peaceful purposes for the survival of human life. In addition to providing freedom to use the high seas, the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention provides exceptions to this freedom. Where every country is free to use the high seas but is not allowed to take illegal actions or violate the law, both national law and International law, which in its application are often violated by countries in the world. There are several exceptions to the freedom of the high seas such as the prohibition of slavery, piracy, trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, instant pursuit, illicit broadcasting, and pollution of the marine environment. So every country, both coastal and non-coastal countries, is required to cooperate in eradicating all forms of abuse of freedom on the high seas.

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  • Authors: Zulfanita, Z. (Zulfanita); M, R. E. (Roisu); Rinawidiastuti, R. (Rinawidiastuti); Iskandar, F. (Faruq); +1 Authors

    Pertumbuhan penduduk yang diikuti dengan meningkatnya kegiatan industri, pertanian, dan pemukiman telah menggusur lahan budidaya sehingga dari tahun ketahun luasnya semakin berkurang. Disamping itu aktifitas penduduk akan mengakibatkan pencemaran berupa limbah organik maupun anorganik Inovasi teknologi diperlukan untuk mengantisipasi penurunan produksi tanaman dan ikan akibat penyusutan lahan budidaya dan penurunan kualitas perairan. Inovasi teknologi tersebut diharapkan mampu mengurangi limbah dan meningkatkan produktifitas persatuan luas lahan budidaya. Salah satu inovasi teknologi yang dapat diterapkan yaitu budidaya tanaman sayuran dan ikan yang terintegrasi melalui sistem akuaponik. Program Pengabdian Masyarakat dilaksanakan di desa Butuh, kecamatan Butuh, kabupaten Purworejo bertujuan untuk Mengenalkan, mempraktikkan dan memotivasi masyarakat untuk dapat melakukan teknologi akuaponik sayuran dan budidaya lele dalam ember , mengisi waktu luang serta mengembangkan kemampuan budidaya sayuran dan budidaya ikan lele selain itu juga sebagai bentuk pemanfaatan pekarangan rumah atau lahan sempit menjadi efisien dan menguntungkan serta potensi meningkatnya gizi keluarga. Mitra dalam pelaksanan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah kelompok Wanita Tani Mandiri dengan anggota 16 orang. Metode yang digunakan adalah Education for Sustainable Development (EfSD) merupakan salah satu metode pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berorientasi pada penyelesaian masalah pada lingkungan masyarakat. Metode EfSD menekankan pada 3 pilar yaitu ekonomi, ekologi atau lingkungan dan sosial. Program kegiatan yang dilaksanakan secara garis besar meliputi, 1) pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui penguatan kelembagaan dan peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia, 2) Penumbuhan dan pengembangan budidaya sayuran, dan perikanan berbasis akuaponik. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat ini berupa penguatan kelembagaan pada Kelompok Wanita Tani Mandiri mampu melaksanakan kegiatan program kegiatan dan sosialisasi dengan aktif. Dengan adanya pelatihan serta motivasi mampu menambah pengalaman dan wawasan anggota Kelompok Wanita Tani Mandiri dalam pengembangan budidaya sayuran dan ikan dalam ember.

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  • Authors: Rofiza Yolanda, Puji Fauziah, Arief Anthonius Purnama;

    This research was carried out in the lake Sipogas Rokan Hulu Regency Riau Province from May to July 2016. The aims of this research to determine species of fish found in the lake Sipogas Rokan Hulu.The method of direct observation ( inventory survey) the determination of sampling stations with purposive sampling. Determination station based on the environmental conditions of the lake Sipogas Rokan Hulu Regency consists of 4 research stations. The research found to 353 individuals of 3 ordo, 7 families, 13 genus and 14 species. Species found was Anabas testudineus, Barbodes gonionotus, Belontia hasselti, Channa striata, Cyclocheilichthys apogon, Hampala macrolepidota, Helostoma temminckii, Kryptopterus limpok, Ompok eugeneiatus, Osteochilus hasseltii, Osteochilus mycrocephalus, Pristolepis grooti, Puntius lateristriga and Rasbora sp.

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  • Authors: Nofitasari, Neli; Baidar, Baidar; Syarif, Wirnelis;

    This research was designed for analyzing the effect of using different types of fish on the quality of Pempek in terms of froms, colors, flavors, textures, and taste. This research was classified into true experimental study which applied complete random sampling method. This research was conducted in three repetitions by involving 5 experts. The instrument of the research was a questionnaire of Likert scale. The data gathered through questionnaire were analyzed by using organoleptic test. To test the hypothesis, ANAVA was used, and if there was a difference occurred among the samples, Duncan test was needed. The result of the research revealed that the use of different fish affected the quality of Pempek in term of colors; golden yellow and white grayish, and in terms of texture which was chewy. Meanwhile the use of different types of fish did not influence the quality of pempek in terms of forms; cleanly, cylindrical, in the length of ± 10 cm and diameter of 3 cm, in terms of flavors; garlic, fish, not fishy, in terms of texture which was soft, and in the terms of taste which was tasteful and fishy.

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